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Ty is a member of the main group and a monster hunter. She is in Ounspux for field training.


Ty is a novice, self-proclaimed "famous" monster hunter; she does not have a license to hunt nor a license to own a gun. She's from a neighboring country, Mueeth.

She's a bold, charismatic person who wears her heart on her sleeve. She can be very prideful at times, often picking fights with anyone who doubts or slights her. Conversely she cares much more about protecting other people than slaying monsters or upholding her perceived image. Her memory is spotty, she thinks she remembers being shot in the head before - and that’s supposedly how she got her gun.

She likes learning things and asking questions. She also has auditory processing issues.

Hobbies: Working out, gathering junk, doing her job?

Likes: Fighting, sightseeing, monsters, things that are "cool"

Dislikes: Being looked down on, things she sees as unjust


Ty came to Ounspux with a group of other monster hunters to train while they search for rumored dangers. She ends up protecting Wayne from her group after a "false alarm", then gets dragged into Ezekiel's office. Or, more accurately, she forces herself into it willingly.


She forgot.


  • Weapon - Gold Tooth (living gun).

Her gun has infinite bullets that can shoot paranormal beings. It causes physical damage to her when overused; she'll get a headache and start bleeding from her nose, ears and mouth.

More Facts

  • She gets worried about coming off as annoying, but only brings this up to Alec.
  • Alec seems to remind her of someone.
  • Orval pisses her off.


The second image is a commission by Chippychime! 3rd is by mmss_Abr on CREPE!

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ty ref 2022 edited 2023 chip J-1-GIF